Choose to invest in your health.
Lifestyle choices are investments into our health for the duration.
I would love to help you reach your success, your peak performance.
Side effects are: less stress, weight normalization, better strength, endurance and
flexibility, reduced inflammation and of course, compliments❤
I want to support your journey to your optimal health by filling the need we all have for accountability.
You can choose from three levels of Accountability Partnership:
I – Zoom Consult 1 time/week for 15 minutes to an hour;
length of session to be chosen by client
Daily texting
II – Zoom Consult 2 time/week for 15 minutes to an hour;
length of session to be chosen by client
Daily texting
III – Zoom or Phone Consults 3 times/week for 15 minutes to an hour;
Highly recommend for 1st month at least! length of session to be chosen by client
Daily texting